Adapted marketing mix An international marketing strategy for adjusting the marketing mix elements to each international target market, bearing more costs but hoping for a larger market share and return.
Adoption process The mental process through which an individual passes from first hearing about an innovation to final adoption.
Advertising Any paid form of non-personal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods, or services by an identified sponsor.
Advertising objective A specific communication task to be accomplished with a specific target audience during a specific period of time.
Advertising specialty Useful article imprinted with an advertiser’s name, given as a gift to consumers.
Affordable method Setting the promotion budget at the level management thinks the company can afford.
Age and life-cycle segmentation Dividing a market into different age and life-cycle groups.
Agent A wholesaler who represents buyers or sellers on a relatively permanent basis, performs only a few functions, and does not take title to goods.
Allowance Promotional money paid by manufacturers to retailers in return for an agreement to feature the manufacturer’s products in some way.
Alternative evaluation The stage of the buyer decision process in which the consumer uses information to evaluate alternative brands in the choice set.
Attitude A person’s consistently favorable or unfavorable evaluations, feelings, and tendencies toward an object or idea.