What is Mystery Shopping:
Mystery shopping, also known as secret shopping, involves posing as a regular customer in order to evaluate the goods and services that a business provides. Your findings are reported back to the client, and used to improve their services.
How Mystery Shopping Works:
A business hires a mystery shopping company to evaluate their services; and the mystery shopping company, in turn, hires shoppers to perform those evaluations. Shoppers are given a list of things to evaluate/note during the shop. This may include:
- how long it takes to be greeted
- speed of service
- cleanliness of the location
- compliance with company standards – dress code, signage, greetings, etc.
- listening for specific services to be offered
- names/descriptions of employees
After completing a shop, the shopper submits her evaluation and receipts. Payment is made one to eight weeks after submission of a successful shop.
What Types of Businesses Use Mystery Shoppers:
- restaurants
- hotels and resorts
- retail stores
- grocery stores
- movie theaters
- car dealerships
- amusement parks
- gas stations
- and many others